I can hardly believe my baby is 1 year old! I've been thinking about this day for a long time. Thinking about how I would feel, what I would do, even what I would blog. First, I think I'll do my usual re-cap of the month. I actually have some time to catch up on since I never blogged about Micah turning 11 months. So, here goes:
*Micah got his second tooth. He doesn't quite understand that when he puts Mommy or Daddy's finger in his mouth and bites down it now hurts them!
*He had his first sleepover. He stayed the night at Grammie's house so that Brad and I could spend the night away to celebrate our birthdays. I was really worried at first about being away from him over night for the first time, but we all did very well. It was nice to get away and spend time just me and Brad. It was very refreshing to not have to get up in the middle of the night and to wake up when
we were ready in the morning!
*Micah started taking his first steps. He is now officially a walker. He's still slightly unstable but he chooses to walk places rather than crawl and he's getting around quite quickly!
*We went to the Museum of Science and Industry and Micah loved touching all of the exhibits.
*Micah has learned several more signs including "eat," "water," and "dog." He also plays "So big."
*We went to Grand Rapids overnight and Micah got to meet his new friend, Sofia.
*While in Grand Rapids we also went to Art Prize. It was really cool to walk around and see all of the exhibits. It was a beautiful day and Micah enjoyed Daddy wearing him on his back so that he could see everything.
*Micah has officially said his first word: "Dog." He says it and signs it all the time. One of his favorite things to do is look out the window and watch the dogs in our neighborhood going for walks. Whenever he hears a dog bark anywhere he says and signs it. Sometimes he'll even "woof." It's so cute!
*Micah got his first pair of real shoes.
*We spent the night at Uncle Doug and Aunt Carrie's house in Milwaukee. He had a great time walking around the lakefront and showing them what's in store for them (they're also expecting a baby--a month before us!).
*He went apple picking for the first time with our good friends.
*We went to Fall Fest in Manhattan. Micah had a lot of fun riding the ponies, going down the slide, and going on the hay ride.
*We also went to a pumpkin patch for the first time. It was so much fun playing in the hay and the corn pit.
*Micah had his first birthday party. It was a Western themed party because we call him "Dude." He did great at the party and loved opening the presents.
*We went to Boo at the Zoo with Grammie, Boompa, Auntie Brittany, and his cousin Kylie. He rode in the wagon we got him for his birthday and loved being able to see everything.
*Today we took him to see the school's costume parade. Then, we went trick-or-treating on our street. Our street is made up of mostly older people and they love seeing Micah when we're outside walking. He was a total ham and smiled at all of the grandmas as they were "oohing" and "aahing" over him. He knows how to pull their strings!
*We also went out for dinner tonight. My favorite food is Aurelio's pizza and we decided early on that Micah would get to try pizza for the first time on his birthday and it had to be from Aurelio's. So, that's where we went for dinner tonight. I think it's safe to say Micah loves pizza, too. :)
Here's some pictures of everything we did this month (only October pictures are included):

I think in order to not make this post super long I'll post tomorrow about some reflections on Micah's first birthday.