*I quit my job at church. It was a hard decision because I loved working there, but January was the first month in probably 2 years where I got to attend every service for the month and was not pulled out once. It was exactly what I needed spiritually.
*I resigned from my teaching position. I've talked about that on here before. It was really a leap of faith for us. I didn't know it at the time, but it was the best decision I've ever made.
*Brad and I went to San Francisco to celebrate our second anniversary. We biked across the Golden Gate Bridge, went to Alcatraz and Pier 39, visited my friend, Amy, in San Jose, rode the cable car, and just enjoyed each other's company.
*We found out we were pregnant!
*My niece, Lilie Ann, was born. I got to watch her when my sister went back to work and she and I developed a real bond. The last day I baby sat her was really hard for me, but I am so excited to watch her grow up with her cousin Micah!
*I told my students that I was pregnant and would not be back to teach next year.
*Made a trip to Grand Rapids, my favorite place on Earth, and spent some time with my favorite girlfriends. Always a great time when we get together!

*I graduated with my Masters in Reading.
*I attended one of my best friend's wedding here in Chicago.
*I started packing up my classroom.
*Celebrated 10 years of dating Brad (okay, the picture is not from when we first started dating, but it's the oldest picture I could find of us on the computer).

*Went to Brad's brother's wedding in Wisconsin.
*Had our ultrasound and found out we were having a boy.
*Went to Wisconsin Dells with my entire extended family. We had a lot of fun and hope to make this a regular tradition.

*Another trip to Grand Rapids (those are my favorite!).
*Went to my friend, Jessica's, wedding ceremony.
*VBS: Hero Headquarters. This was the first time in 3 years that I was not one of the coordinators of the VBS. The week was much more relaxing!
*Started baby sitting my nieces. We did lots of fun things together, like go to some children's museums as well as the zoo.

*Finished working on Micah's room. Brad did most of the work, but the vision was all mine! :)
*Kylie and Abbie started school so it was just me and Lilie during the day. We had a lot of fun spending time together and it was good practice for when Micah would be born.

*Celebrated my and Brad's birthdays. Brad surprised me and took me to Schaumburg for the night. We ordered pizza for dinner, went to GameWorks and relaxed. It was a great last getaway!
*Took some maternity photos. Both my sister and our friend Mina took great pictures!
*Had both of my baby showers. We got lots of wonderful gifts for Micah and enjoyed celebrating with everyone.

*Went apple picking with our good friends, the Lows (for the fourth year), and the next day with my parents and my nieces.
*Went to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert (coincidentally I thought it would be really cool if I went into labor at the concert, especially since my sister thought we picked the name Micah because of the SCC song "The Walk" where he sings about Micah 6:8).
*Micah Benjamin was born!

*Celebrated Micah's first Thanksgiving.
*Adjusted to life with a newborn.

*Cut down our Christmas tree. This is a tradition we started last year and look forward to continuing with our family.
*Celebrated Micah's first Christmas.
*Went to the zoo lights with our good friends, the Lows.

It was a great year, but we are really looking forward to 2011 and all that God has in store for us.
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