Micah decided that would be a great day to wake up at 4am. I cannot remember the last time he woke up that early so that really threw us for a loop. After feeding him it took a little while to get him back to sleep. Of course, Brad and I both wanted some more sleep too. Micah woke up again around 8:00 and needed to eat. Since Brad and I went back to sleep with him, now we both needed to get ourselves ready as well as him (this was really putting us behind schedule!). We finally left our house around 10:00 in hopes that he would sleep most of the way there (it was time for his morning nap, afterall). It took about 10 minutes and he looked like this:
We thought we were golden! Ha. Ha. Ha. Micah had other plans for the car tip. He slept for about 30 minutes and then woke up. I ended up in the backseat with him for most of the car ride because he was crying and just did not want to be back there by himself.
We were all able to meet little Noah. And Mommy got to spend some time with her girlfriends while Daddy got some alone time. It was great catching up with my friends. I always look forward to our time together, and I'm so excited for our children to grow up together.
Noah, Micah, and Jack. Noah and Micah are only two months apart--can you believe how much bigger Micah is than Noah?!
Noah and Micah. Look at them holding hands--they're best friends already!
This was also Micah's first time in a hotel. I was a little worried because he doesn't do well sleeping in unfamiliar places, but I think he was so tired from the day (he slept a total of about an hour and a half the whole day) that he did great. We set up the pack 'n play next to our bed and he slept great. We did have a slight problem because we had to give him a bath. At our house, we have a little bouncy seat made for the tub that we use because all of our sinks are in bad places for baths. We didn't bring the seat with us so we decided to just give him a bath in the sink. That was an interesting experience, but we all made it out okay!
Sunday afternoon we went to another friend's house. I used to baby sit for this family when I was in high school and college. They moved to Grand Rapids right as I was moving back home. We typically stay at their house when we go to GR, but we didn't want to disturb them with a crying baby all night. Micah loved meeting the boys and they promised to teach him how to skateboard, waterski, and snowboard. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of all the boys (what was I thinking?), but it was great spending time with everyone.
Micah did much better on the ride home, slept almost the entire way. I think he really enjoyed Grand Rapids. I sure hope he did because he will be spending a lot of time up there. Hopefully next time we'll be able to stay a bit longer and see more people!
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