I know I'm a little late with this Easter post, but Micah was just so stinkin' cute in his Easter outfit that I had to post. Brad's Mom offered to buy Micah's Easter outfit. When Brad and his brothers were younger, his dad's mom always bought their Easter outfits and Pat thought that was so nice so she wanted to continue the tradition. We got this adorable outfit from Gymboree. Who says there aren't cute clothes for boys (not me anymore!)?

Easter was a very busy weekend for us. Brad had to work Saturday and Sunday morning until 3:00. I already posted about "The Great Diaper Change" that Micah and I participated in Saturday morning. After Brad got home from work on Saturday we headed over to his mom's house for Easter dinner with his family. His brother, Kevin, and his girlfriend, Mindy, were there, as well as his brother, Craig, and his wife, Jamie, and Jamie's mom and brother (we missed Doug and Carrie, though!). It was a delicious dinner. Grammy also got Micah a little Easter present. I think he enjoyed the wrapping more than the present itself!

Sunday morning, Micah and I got ready and headed off to church. Easter has always been my favorite holiday. I love what it means: the resurrection of Christ. He is not in the grave anymore. He's alive. He conquered death and sin so that
I could live with him in eternity! That is so awesome. I don't have to
do anything to receive this life, just trust him. I could never pay for my sins, the debt is too great. But Jesus paid for me. How awesome is that? Sometimes I just can't get over it! And now that I have a child, I realize even more what an amazing gift it truly is. Because more than anything I want Micah to grow up to love the Lord and serve him with his whole heart. To me, Micah is perfect, but I know that the truth is he has already been tainted by sin. And, just like me, he cannot pay the debt for his sin. It's too costly. And I can't do it for him, either. But I don't have to because Jesus did. Hallelujah! I am so thankful for my Savior and that empty grave! And I love going to church on Easter morning and celebrating that. I love the music, the bright colors, everyone cheerfully wishing you a "Happy Easter." Everyone together saying, "He is risen. He is risen, indeed." I just love it. And I'm so glad that I get to share this amazing day with my son.
Anyway, after church, Micah and I went to my parents' house for dinner with my family. Brad met us there after work. Micah got to spend some time with his cousins, whom he loves (have I mentioned that he has one more cousin on the way...on Brad's side of the family? So excited for another boy!).

We were out late again, but it was worth spending time with our families two nights in a row. And overall, Micah didn't do too bad with bedtime.
Since Brad was working Easter morning, I waited to give Micah his Easter basket. I should mention here that his Easter basket is not from the Easter bunny. Mommy and Daddy filled it with wonderful things that we knew Micah needed, things like some new toys, a few books, and a new Baby Einsteins video. We want Micah to know what this day is about, not think that it's about some Easter bunny coming to bring him gifts. As he gets older and has a better understanding we will incorporate other traditions as well, such as decorating and hunting for eggs, and telling the resurrection story. We're not completely sure what that will look like, but we do know that we want the day to be a celebration of life, not of gifts and candy. Regardless, it was fun watching him go through his basket this year. He obviously had no idea what was going on, but as he loves to grab things it
seemed as though he was excited about taking things out of his basket. It was so much fun to watch him. And now we love watching how excited he gets when he's playing with his new toys. It was time for some real toys and he loves them!

Overall, a wonderful Easter. A great celebration of Jesus and wonderful time spent with family. We really couldn't ask for anything more.