As I mentioned before, for our anniversary I made Brad a book of dates we could enjoy each month. One "staying in" date and one "going out" date. In April our "going out" date was Brad's choice. Being the ever-so original guy that he is, he chose dinner and a movie. Well, more accurately, lunch and a movie as we are cheap and we also still like to be the ones to put Micah to bed. So, we headed to Pizza Hut for lunch. We both love Pizza Hut wings and hadn't had them in a while. They were delicious, just as I remembered them! Then, we saw "Rio." That's right. "Rio." A kid's movie. No, it's not because we're obsessed with kids or because we were missing Micah so much that we thought it would help us not miss him. Since we don't watch TV we're really out of the loop as far as what movies are playing. We hadn't heard of any of the movies that were out and we got a lot of different recommendations. Not to mention, the online description of many of the movies just wasn't appealing. So we went with the safe bet: "Rio." Not a bad movie. Not their best, but I really enjoyed the upbeat music. After the movie, we had some time to kill so we headed to the creamery for some ice cream. One of our favorite things to do is get ice cream. And last year a Creamery opened here in town (it is literally right across the street from the apartment we used to live glad we moved a little further away as there is no doubt we would have been there every night in the summer!) so it is one of our new favorite places to go for soft serve. All in all, a decent date.
Our "staying in" date was a Disney night. For our first anniversary, we went to DisneyWorld. It was my first time there every, and Brad's first time in years. We both
loved it. I always ask Brad if we can go back. So, in order to help re-live that wonderful vacation we put on our Minnie and Mickey ears (bride and groom since we were celebrating our anniversary) and watched a Disney movie while looking through the scrapbook I started of our vacation. We chose to watch "The Princess Frog" since we had never seen it. I thought the movie was okay, but there were quite a few scary parts. Probably not a movie I would let my child see. We loved looking through the pictures of our trip and talking about when Micah will be old enough for us to take him. Of course, any time I get to talk about Disney I love it.

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