Wow! Another month has passed already! Sometimes it feels like time is going so fast and other times it feels like it is so slow. And sometimes it feels like both at the same time. That's how this month was. It seems like forever ago that Micah turned 8 months, but it also feels like the month of July has just flown by! Micah is busier than ever. He just amazes me more and more every day with what he can do. He is such a happy, go-with-the-flow kid. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and both Brad and I just love celebrating all of the little milestones in his life. So, here's a look at his 9th month:
*Micah celebrate his first 4th of July. We had a BBQ at our house with some family and friends then headed to New Lenox to watch the fireworks. Micah had a great time playing with everyone and he really enjoyed the fireworks.
*We went to the Oak Lawn Children's Museum for the first time. We met his cousins there and had a great time playing. There was so much for Micah to do! He also got his first black eye while there. :(
*Micah got to play with his friend, Colby, while at the church block party. Colby is only 2 days older than Micah so it was really fun watching the two of them together.
*We've been doing some baby signs with Micah. This month he started signing "milk" back to us. We're so proud of him every time he does it!
*Mommy and Daddy volunteered at VBS at church one week so he had a different baby sitter each night. He did a great job with all of the baby sitters.
*Micah has finally learned how to sit himself down when standing up. That means no more getting "stuck" while standing on things! Yay!!
*He learned how to wave "bye-bye." We stand at the door and wave "bye-bye" whenever Daddy goes to work and one day Micah did it all by himself.
*Micah has learned how to climb the stairs. I swear, one day he just went up one step and the next he made it up 6 steps. That boy is a mover!
*Micah got to play with all of the kids from our old small group. It was the first time we were all together with all of the kids. There were 5 families total: 10 adults and 5 kids. It was so neat to watch all of the kids playing together.
*Daddy, Mommy, and Micah went to West Beach. Micah loved playing in the sand and chasing after the waves.
*Micah got his first real haircut. We took him to a place that specializes in children's haircuts and he got a faux hawk. He looks so cute! And so much more grown up!
*Micah officially has a playroom. I was getting sick of having to tell him "no" all the time because he was getting into things that he shouldn't be. So, we turned my scrapbook room into a playroom (my scrapbook stuff now sits in a closet and we moved the office part of the room up to the former guest room). Micah loves having a big space to play in. We also brought out more toys that we've been storing up until now. He's having lots of fun in his new playroom!
*Micah, Mommy, and Grammy went to Tinley Pool. He had so much fun splashing in the water and trying to catch the sprayers. He really just wanted to swim on his own. Looks like we're going to have to sign him up for swim lessons this winter!
*He tried a lot of new foods this month including lunch meat, Swedish pancakes, cottage cheese, berries, tacos, mostaccioli, and hot dogs. This kid will eat anything!
I can't believe Micah has now spent just as much time outside of me as he did inside of me. I know it's weird, but I was really looking forward to this. He's getting to be such a big boy and he has just filled our lives with so much joy.