Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week with Micah. In general, they go by the fastest. After Micah's morning nap we typically head out for a walk to the library. Micah loves going to the library. Everyone knows him there and they fawn all over him. He soaks it right up. He smiles at the little old ladies, he smiles at my former students, he smiles at the librarians. Seriously, you'd think he thought it was his smiles that were getting those books for free! Micah loves picking out books to read, too. Okay, honestly, he just loves grabbing anything that's within his reach, but I like to think that he enjoys finding a good book just as much as Mommy does. When the weather's nice, we'll walk around the neighborhood a little bit more before heading home, where we read our new books and play before Micah's afternoon nap. Usually, by time he's up from his second nap it's not too much longer until Daddy comes home and then the day gets really fun!
However, I love Tuesdays for another reason. Once a month, Micah and I go to Cuttie Poops for our LaLeche meetings. I love going to LaLeche. I started going when I was pregnant just to get some information on breastfeeding. I went back when Micah was about 2 months old because I desperately needed to get out of the house and didn't know where else to go. Now, I go because I've met a nice group of moms that I enjoy catching up with. Moms who have similar parenting styles as me. Moms who love breastfeeding as much as I do.
I don't want this to get into a formula/breastfeeding debate because I truly believe that either option is fine. But, personally, I love breastfeeding. I love knowing that it's me who is giving Micah the nutrition that he needs. When I look at him and see how big he is, it's because of what I've given him. That's pretty amazing. Not to mention just the great feeling I get whenever I feed him. I love holding him close to me and snuggling, watching him eat with his eyes closed, listening to the sound of his quick breaths in between swallows. I know it's not for every mom, but it's definitely for this mom. And, while I have no real objection to it, I'm proud to say that Micah has never had formula. My ultimate goal is to make it to 1 year so that if something were to happen to my supply he could have cow's milk instead of formula. However, I would love to continue nursing Micah beyond a year. I know that some people think it's weird, but I think it's completely natural. As long as Micah still wants to nurse, I want to nurse him. I love the comfort that it brings him, the sense of security. And I love that we belong to a group of women that feel the same way.
No, meetings are probably not what you think. We do not all sit around, feeding our babies without any coverage. Nor do we talk about how wonderful breastfeeding is and how evil formula feeding is. It's a group of real women with real problems. Women who can't get their babies to suck. Women who are having a problem with their supply. Women who have babies that are easily distracted (*cough* Micah *cough*). Women who want to know how to wean their child. Yes, at any given moment a mom could be feeding her child, but I've yet to see anything that I don't want to see. It's truly a great support system and a wonderful time to get out of the house and just be with other moms. Oh, and Micah loves showing off all of his new tricks b/c with the exception of one little girl, he's the oldest kid there by about 3 months.
So, that's how we spend our Tuesdays. We love it.
Of course, I have to leave you with a picture of my cute Little Man:

I go to a breast feeding support group at St Mary's Hospital. I started going when Asa was born and had so much trouble with him really "eating". It was a great support system for me and I love the lactation consultant that runs the meetings. I had to stop going as often once I went back to work, but went once Asa was a year old to show her that I did it, I bf him for a whole year! I was excited to start going with Charlotte. It's still the same lactation consultant and she still has great advice the 2nd time around! I don't get to go every week because I don't like to bring Asa along, but when I can go I love it. It's so nice to find a group of moms who value breast feeding like I do. It also just such a great "moms group". Glad you have that too!