I love going back and looking at the past year. It's so much fun to remember what we did and just talk about what happened. It's also very helpful in making goals for the coming year. So, here is our year in review.
January*We had Micah's baptism. It was really neat to have him baptized next to our friend's son, too.
February*Micah started sleeping in his own crib. This was actually a harder transition for Mom and Dad than it was for Micah!
*Micah watched his first SuperBowl. He did great sitting in Daddy's lap and watching the football game.
*Micah experienced his first blizzard. We got a lot of snow in the beginning of February and Micah went outside to experience it for the first time.
*Micah went to Grand Rapids for the first time to meet his friends Jackson and Noah. He had a lot of fun playing and Mommy had a good time catching up with her girlfriends. Micah has since been to Grand Rapids several times and each time he enjoys it more and more.

March*Micah went to his first parade. The Manhattan Irish Fest Parade lines up right in front of our house so we walked down a block to watch it. It was pretty cold, but he did great.
*Micah went to the park for the first time. He loved swinging on the swings!
*Micah learned to sit up all by himself.

April*We participated in The Great Diaper Change. A national attempt at getting in the Guiness Book of World Records for most cloth diapers changed at one time. It was a lot of fun. And afterwards we got to see the Easter Bunny and sit in a real fire engine!
*Micah's first Easter. He had a lot of fun going through his basket and later playing with his new toys!

May*Micah went to the zoo with our friends, the Lows. We had a great time looking at all the animals, and the dolphin show was a blast. We've since been to the zoo several more times.
*My parents and my sister Heather and her family all went on a vacation to the Outer Banks, NC. This is a family tradition and we all had a blast. Micah did great driving in the car on the way there and home. He loved being on vacation. His favorite was definitely all of the water: both the pool and the ocean. It was so neat to experience it with him. Brad and I had a great time, too. It was very relaxing and a lot of fun to spend time with family.
*Micah went on his first bike ride. We rented a bike seat while on vacation and went on several bike rides. We all loved it so much that we bought our own bike seat when we got home!

June*Micah went from rolling all over the place to crawling. Being more mobile sure proved interesting for Mommy and Daddy!
*We went to the Cavalcade of Planes. It was really cool to see all of the planes and helicopters. I know this is a tradition we will continue and I'm really excited to see how Micah reacts to it as he gets older.
*We went to the zoo again, this time with Grammie.
*Micah went to a splash pad for the first time. It was no surprise that he loved it! His favorite was sitting in front of the ground sprayers and trying to catch the water--something he still loves to do!
*We spent Father's Day at Navy Pier. It was fun to walk around the pier and then along the lake shore for a while. It was a beautiful day.
*Our nephew, Joseph Richard, was born. It's so fun to see the two boys growing up together. Micah is just now stating to become a little more interested in Joey, but he's not always good at letting Joey play with "his" toys. It will be so fun to watch the two grow up together and see how they get along.

July*We met my nieces at Oak Lawn Children's Museum and had a lot of fun playing.
*We went to the zoo again, this time with Oma.
*Micah celebrated his first 4th of July. We had our families over for a little BBQ. Then, we went to fireworks with some friends. Overall it was a great day spent with family and friends. Very relaxing and lots of good food.
*We took Micah to the beach. It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun playing in the sand and going in the water. Micah loved it and really wanted to crawl to the water every chance he got.
*Micah started signing words back to us. I love that he has this way of communicating with us, and it's so cool to see what signs he picks up on. Some of them we barely even practice with him!
*Micah got his first hair cut. We took him to a kid friendly place because we just weren't sure how he would do. He totally rocked the faux hawk!

August*Micah finally got his first tooth! It felt like we were waiting for forever for this! I was seriously ready to throw him a party!
*We met some of my friends from Grand Rapids at the beach. It was nice to meet them halfway and just get to catch up. Plus, Micah loves the beach so anytime we could go there was a good day in his book!
*We found out Micah is going to be a big brother. Baby Kolar #2 is due May 4th. We couldn't be happier.

September*We met our friends, the Lows, and Oma and Boompa and Micah's cousins at a barn dance. We went on a hayride and got to see the farm animals. Plus, lots of dancing in the barn! It was a lot of fun. Micah loved being with all the kids and the animals!
*We celebrated both my and Brad's birthdays. In celebration we left Micah overnight with Grammy and spent the night at a hotel. This is somewhat of a tradition for us. It's always nice to just get away from the house and be somewhere we don't have to worry about cleaning up or get up early. It was so relaxing, but we were definitely ready to come home to our little boy!
*We took Micah to the Museum of Science and Industry for the first time. He was still a bit too little to enjoy it, but he loved touching and playing with everything. It was fun for me and Brad, too, because we love going to that museum.

October*We continued the tradition of apple picking with our friends, the Lows. This was our fifth year going, and one of our favorite traditions. The weather was a little warm, but we still enjoyed it. Afterwards we went back to their house and made some yummy apple crisp. I am so looking forward to continuing this tradition with them, especially as our children get older.
*We went to Manhattan Fall Fest with Grammy. It was a lot of fun to go on the tractor ride (which was a little crazy!) and Micah got to ride on a pony. It was very kid-friendly.
*We went to a pumpkin patch for the first time. Konows was a great place! We played in the corn pit (Micah wasn't too sure of it, but Mommy and Daddy thought it was a blast!) and climbed the hay bale stacks. We also went on another tractor ride and picked out some pumpkins to carve. Micah wasn't too keen on carving the pumpkins, but it was still a lot of fun.
*We took trips to both Grand Rapids (to visit Mommy's college friends) and Milwaukee (to visit Uncle Doug and Auntie Carrie). Micah did great both times and we had a lot of fun visiting with friends and family. We love it when Daddy's on vacation!
*Micah started walking on his own. Since he has discovered his independence he is into
everything! He's really keeping us on our toes!
*Micah turned 1!! I can't believe my baby is 1 year old. We had an awesome western-themed party for him. He had a lot of fun there and has really enjoyed playing with his new toys (many of which are still in the closet because he got so many and we didn't want him to become bored with them all). The day before his birthday we went to Boo at the Zoo with Boompa, Auntie Brittany, Kylie, and Grammie. It was really neat. Next year we will definitely be there in costume! On Micah's birthday we went trick-or-treating on our street so that the neighbors could see him. Then, we took Micah out for his first try of pizza. It was a great day just spent together. We are so excited about what Micah's next year of life has in store for him and really just cannot wait to see all that God has planned for him.

November*This was kind of a chill month for us. Not a lot going on, but we did celebrate Thanksgiving. We also brought my nieces to Imagination Station one day on break and had fun playing there with them.

*December more than made up for November! Of course, we had the typical Christmas celebrations: Christmas Eve with Nana and Papa, Christmas morning at home, Christmas afternoon/evening with Oma and Boompa, and (new this year!) New Year's Day with Grammie. It was a lot, but so nice not to have everything crammed into one day. We got to relax and really enjoy our holiday. Not to mention, enjoy Micah and see his wonder at everything going on. The best was hearing him from the back seat when we drove around at night. He would see the lights and just say, "Wow!" Isn't that what it's all about? I wish we could all stop and just enjoy the beauty of the season and think, "Wow! How amazing that Christ humbled himself to come live on this Earth so that I could spend eternity with him. Wow!"
*We took Micah to the Chicago Children's Museum at Navy Pier and had a blast! There was so much to do there. We will definitely be going back there (seriously--we bought a membership!).
*Brad and I took an early anniversary trip to Galena. We left Micah with my parents and stayed overnight. It was nice to get away and be able to spend time just the two of us. We stayed at a beautiful bed and breakfast and really just enjoyed walking around and relaxing without having any kind of agenda.
*On our anniversary we went to Holiday Magic for the second year in a row. This is a fun tradition that we're starting! At the last minute, my parents joined us. This year we walked around a lot more than in years past and got to see some of the animals in addition to the lights and activities they had going on special. It was a lot of fun and Micah really enjoyed it.

Well, that's pretty much it for our 2011. It was so awesome to see how Micah has changed in a year's time. We have a lot to look forward to in 2012, but mostly, we are just excited to see what God has in store for us.