Micah is 15 months old today. I can hardly believe it! He is not a little baby anymore. He's a toddler! He has changed and grown up so much in the past couple of months, it's hard to believe. He has a lot of words now, and even more signs. He says several different slight variations of "ba" which can mean ball, button, or book depending on the context. He says "mama" and "dada," but mama also has a few different meanings, including "up." We're working on saying up so that I can get all the mama love. :) He says "wa" for water, "more," "truck," (he loves looking out the window when the garbage trucks go by!) "no," and "down." Those are all the words I can think of right now. He can sign more, eat, water, hat, fish, dog, bird, shoes, toothbrush, ball, and book. He's becoming quite communicative! And he wants to make sure you know it! He voices his opinion on everything from what he wants to play with to whether mommy and daddy can hug right now.
He is still a very active little boy. He keeps us very busy. His favorite thing to do right now, though, is read. He loves grabbing a book, bringing it over to us and backing up to sit in our lap so we can read to him. He's pretty good about sitting through the whole book, but sometimes he gets impatient and tries to turn the page before it's done. He also loves playing with his cars. He drives them around and makes noises for them. He's even started driving them on us, it's so cute. He loves it when Daddy chases him around the house, too. If Brad gets down on all fours, Micah will drop whatever he was doing and run, squealing with laughter. It's one of the best sounds. With the nice weather, we've been trying to get outside at least once a day. Micah still loves going on walks. As soon as I say we have to get his shoes on he runs to the windows and starts clamoring to get outside. He just sits in his stroller and looks around. He waves at people and always points out whatever creatures he finds (or hears) along the way.
We've been keeping a pretty busy schedule lately--I can't stand being cooped up in the house all winter long. On Mondays I go to Bible study. If Brad is working Micah comes with and plays in the nursery. He loves playing in the nursery and walks right there whenever we go to church. Tuesdays we go to the library to check out books and go to story time. He's so funny at story time because it's usually only one other kid but he acts so timid when we're there. Thursdays we go to a play class. We do some songs, play with bikes and cars, do an art project, and play games. Micah is always wiped out at the end of class and I have to try to keep him awake on the ride home. Every other Friday we go to MOPS. Again, if Brad's not working, Micah comes with and goes to nursery. He seriously loves being with all the other kids.
I still can't believe how big my little boy is! But he's as loving and cuddly as ever. I love snuggling with him at the end of the day before bed. And every time he looks at me and says "Mama" and then hugs me, it just melts my heart.
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