Brad's company got in free at the Shedd Aquarium for the month of February. Unfortunately, we didn't find out until February 25th so we planned to go on Brad's next day off. We've been wanting to take Micah to the aquarium for quite some time, but I think this timing was just perfect. He is at the age where he was really excited to be there and see all of the fish. He kept going up to the tanks of fish and signing, "fish! fish!" He got so excited and loved running from tank to tank. we even got into the dolphin show for free, but there was too much talking for Micah to really enjoy it. After the aquarium, we headed to Rainforest Cafe for some dinner. Again, Micah loved it! He loved watching the animals come to life. I think it was one of my all time favorite days with Micah. It was just so neat to see his excitement and to enjoy our time together as a family.
Two Sundays ago I asked Brad to please get Micah ready for church before he headed out to work so that I could get myself ready. When he was finished, this is what he looked like. Don't they look so cute?
Micah has really been into climbing in and on things recently. He just wants to get into everything! We got our new double stroller a couple weeks ago and Brad had to put it together right away. Micah loved climbing on it! At least we know he likes it! We also had to empty the contents of our desk out so that Brad could move it out of the room. Micah loved climbing in the empty desk! One day we even caught him climbing under his crib. I have no idea how he fit under there, but he was determined to get something, apparently!
Micah's new thing is the movie Cars. He is obsessed with it! He will grab our hands, walk us over to the TV, get the DVD out of the drawer, turn the TV on, and say, "Cars? Cars?" It's so hard to tell him no. He's very persistent and stubborn. So, we usually end up watching half of Cars once a day. While I don't like him watching that much TV, it's hard to resist. Especially because he will sit in our laps and cuddle the whole time he's watching the movie (he would watch the whole move every time if we let him, but we usually cut him off halfway through). And he's calm for 45 minutes. :) Now, it's all about Cars. If he sees anything Cars related he says "Kakow (kachow--what Lightning McQueen says)." We bought him a Lightning McQueen bath towel and I was folding it the other day. He saw it and got super excited saying, "kakow! kakow!" Then, he took it from me and walked all around the house with it. I'm telling you--cutest thing ever!
Well, that's enough for now. I'm going to a Mom's conference this weekend and I have to get ready for that. I'll try to be better about updating more frequently.
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