Since Easter was five days ago I guess I should do my final Easter post with what we did for our countdown and how we spent the day.
I'll start with the countdown. I don't have pictures, but we did finish it! The three remaining activities were to read an Easter book, watch an Easter movie, and read the Easter story from the Bible. On Saturday, while Daddy was working, Micah and I went to the library to get some Easter books and an Easter movie. We ended up reading
What is Easter? It's a cute little board book that talks about all the different things that children might think Easter is, but ends with the true meaning of Easter. For our movie, we watched the VeggieTales
Easter Carol. Coincidentally, Oma bought that movie for Micah for Easter so he gets to keep it now! And on Easter night, before bed, all three of us sat down and read the Easter story from Micah's Children's Bible. We talked briefly about the day and why it is so important to us. I know that he didn't understand what we were saying, but I believe it is so important to start telling him at a young age.
I really enjoyed doing our Easter countdown. It is a tradition we will definitely continue in the future. Hopefully I'll be able to change up some of the activities so that it's not the same ones year after year.
That leads us to a recap of our Easter celebration(s). Our Easter started on Saturday. Brad had to work until 6:00 so Micah and I headed to Grammie's house after nap. She had a fun little egg hunt set up outside for Micah and his cousin, Joey. Neither boy was too interested in the hunt (the parents ended up finding most of the eggs for them!), but I think they both enjoyed being outside. We also got to play with bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Then, Grammie brought out the wagon and took the two boys for a little walk. Once everyone was finally there, we sat down for a delicious dinner. Then, the boys had to find their Easter baskets somewhere around the house. They were full of fun toys to play with outside (shovel, bug catcher, truck, etc.). I know Micah's going to love having those toys this summer!

Needless to say we had one tired boy that night! Our plan was to go to my parents' church on Easter Sunday, but Micah didn't wake up until 7:30 and we have to leave by 7:50 in order to make it on time. There was just no way that was going to happen so instead we took the morning a little slower and went to our own church. When Micah came downstairs, he saw his Easter basket and got to open it. Micah has been obsessed with the movie Cars lately so we filled his basket with Cars items: a sticker book, a toy car of "Sarge", and Cars fruit snacks. Unfortunately, just last week he started to really prefer the movie Toy Story and seemed to not be interested in Cars anymore (though he still loves everything else that has to do with Cars). Luckily, we also bought him Toy Story 2 so it was the best of both worlds. Micah also got a couple of books in his basket, as it's a tradition for us to give him a book for every holiday. After he opened his basket, he got to find the eggs that we colored a couple days before (he's becoming a pro at this!). Then, we had a yummy breakfast and got ready for church.

After church we went to my parents' house for brunch. Then, Daddy had to leave to go to work. Micah and I took a little nap together, then he had a great time playing with Boompa who let him be outside for a long time! Those two are like two peas in a pod, I swear!

Micah loved it when his cousins came over, too. He tries so hard to keep up with them and loves chasing them around the house screaming. He thinks it's funny, but they're just trying to get away from him. I have a feeling it will be like this for many years! After dinner, Micah and I had to leave, it was a long day for him and he was starting to get a cold.
That was our Easter. All in all, a wonderful day spent with family, focused on the wonderful sacrifice Jesus made for us all.