However, I've tried to be diligent about keeping up with our Easter countdown. We've opened our egg every day, but, unfortunately, we haven't always been able to do the activity. I'm working hard at catching up, though! So, I'll catch you up to where we are right now!
Day 2 was to color an Easter picture. Micah loves coloring! At the library last week we picked up a coloring paper and brought it home to color. Micah asks to color all the time now so this was a perfect activity!
Day 3's activity was to make an Easter card. I have seen lots of ideas for Easter cards on Pinterest, but I really loved this idea of turning Micah's fingerprints into little chicks. So, I brought out the stamp pad and we made some chicks! This reminds me that I still need to send the card! So, I'm not saying who gets this special project. :)
We haven't done the activities for days 4, 5, or 6 yet. I'll post about those after we do them.
Day 7 our activity was to do an Easter craft. I cheated a little on this one. :) On Saturday we went to the egg hunt at our library. They had a little craft project for the kids to do, so I counted that. We've been a bit busy lately and it's nice to not have to find an age-appropriate craft to do with Micah. ;) Anyway, the craft is an egg cut out of paper. Micah painted the egg with water, then stuck pieces of tissue paper on it. Then, we paint water over the paper and they stick surprisingly well! Micah loves to paint, and it was great because he was just using water! This was a great project for him to do.
And that brings us to day 8. Today. Our activity for today was to do an egg hunt. I was so excited to take Micah to an egg hunt through our park district, but it was for ages 2 and up. Micah was too young for any of the hunts in our area so Brad had the great idea to have our own hunt and invite some of Micah's friends over. So, we planned a little playdate. Unfortunately, we had several last minute cancellations due to illnesses. So, it was just Micah and his little friend, Rosie. Rosie and her parents started coming to our church a couple months ago. One day in nursery, the director told me that she predicted Micah and Rosie would get married some day because they were just so much alike. It's true, Micah and Rosie have a lot in common, and they play so well together. They just feed off of each other and always make each other laugh. It's so much fun when the two of them play together. Anyway, Rosie is only 10 months old so a bit little to really get the hang of hunting for eggs, but they still had a good time together. And Micah was great at helping Rosie find her eggs and show her that there was stuff in them!
So, that's all the activities we've done for now. Hopefully, I'll be better about keeping current for the end of the countdown. And I'll be sure to post about what we're doing. Plus, there's more I want to keep you updated about, but that will come later!
Hope that card is for me! Rosie looks pooped!