Saturday, August 4, 2012

3 months

I cannot believe my baby boy is 3 months old already!  I seriously can't imagine our lives before him.  It's as if he's always been part of our family.  For the most part, Judah is a very content, chill baby.  But he does have a bit of a temper.  He can go from 0 to 60 in no time flat.  If he wants something, he wants it NOW.  But he's usually fine just chilling.  He loves sitting in his bouncy seat and talking to the animals (seriously, those guys are hilarious!).  He loves his big brother, too, and always smiles when he's around.  This month, Judah has discovered his hands--they are always in his mouth!  I think we might have a thumb-sucker on our hands here, but I'm trying to encourage the pacifier.  Here's what else Judah has been up to this month:

*At his doctor's appointment, Judah weighed 14lbs. 9oz.  And he was 24in. long.  Healthy little boy!

*We went to the DuPage Children's Museum with Grammie

*Judah met some of Daddy's family from Oregon

*Judah went on his first trip to Grand Rapids.  One of Mommy's college roommates from Canada was in town so all us roommates got together with our kids.  It was great getting to see everyone again, and there was lots of kids for Judah (and Micah!) to play with.

*Judah went swimming for the first time at Palos Pool.  I wore him in my water sling the whole time--he did great!

*Judah's first VBS!  Once again, I taught Bible stories for Vacation Bible School.  Judah came with me.  He spent some time in the nursery and some time teaching the kids with me.  He was great the whole time.

*Auntie Heather was Judah's first baby sitter.  She watched him while Mommy and Micah went shopping.  She said he slept almost the entire time, which disappointed his cousins a bit.

*Judah had another baby sitter--Grammie!  She watched him while Mommy and Daddy went on their first date since he was born.  He was very good for Grammie and Mommy and Daddy were glad for some time just the two of them!

*We all went to the beach.  Judah got to chill out a bit.  I wore him in my water sling again and we took a little walk along the shore.  Afterwards, we did a little shopping at the outlet mall.  Then, headed to Oma's house to watch the Olympics.

College Roommates

All of our kids

Chilling out while Micah plays with water and ice.

Sleeping at the splash pad.

Playing at the park. :)

Talking to his friends in the bouncy.

Chilling at the beach.

Going for a walk on the beach.

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