Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 10: Sort through CDs

I know, I know, I'm living in the stone age.  We still have CDs.  Honestly, we rarely listen to CDs, but I can't stand to get rid of them.  Besides, we have a CD player in the kitchen that we listen to, which is much easier than plugging in the iPod.

Our CDs are kept in the toy room closet and they've outgrown their holder.  So, the logical solution is to go through them and get rid of the CDs that we don't listen to and probably only bought for one song.  We're not getting rid of that many CDs, but every little bit helps.

And that's just a little bit less clutter.

So, what CDs won't you part with?  For me, I have almost every Steven Curtis Chapman CD.  He's my all-time favorite and I will not part with those CD!

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