How can my little boy be two-years-old already? It was just yesterday that I was in the hospital being induced. I wish that time would just slow down. I am trying so hard to just soak up this time with him and cherish every minute.
Micah has brought so much joy to my life. Not a day goes by that I don't bust out laughing at something he does or says. Watching him experience new things is so much fun. To see the world through his eyes is just so exciting! The world is full of possibility. It's no wonder that Jesus told us to have faith like a child, they just accept things and love you. It's amazing to witness. I pray all the time that I could be more like my son.
Micah challenges me, too. I don't mean because he throws tantrums (which he does his fair share of), but because he challenges me to step out of my comfort zone. He literally pulls me down to the ground to play trains with him. He brings me a book and backs himself into my lap and tells me to read. For the thousandth time. He stands at the door with his shoes and asks to go for a "leetle walk." And when we go for that "leetle walk" he stops to pick up sticks or rocks or he wants to walk through a puddle. Or he gets mad because we're not heading in the direction of the library. But when I stop what I want to do and spend time with him the way that he wants I experience so much more of the world. I see things differently. I take my time. And it makes the day so much better. I never regret the time that I spend with him.
I cannot believe how much Micah has grown this year. His vocabulary (I think) is quite impressive. He can tell you exactly what he wants. He loves to play with his toys, too. One of my favorite things to do is to sneak up on him playing in the toy room and just watch. He's starting to make the toys interact and I love when Mater says to "Kacow" (Lightning McQueen) " 'Lo." and Kacow responds back, "Hi!" But, most importantly, Micah is learning about God and how much he loves him. When I put Micah to bed he always asks to pray for specific people (usually his cousins or uncles). At breakfast, he reminds us to read his "Veggie book." And he loves sitting in worship with us at church. It is my prayer that Micah will continue to grow in the knowledge and love of our savior. We have so much to look forward to together!
November--going for a ride in the laundry basket. |
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December--helping Mommy decorate cookies. |
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January--playing in the snow...the one day we had some. |
February--enjoying a day at the Shedd Aquarium. |
March--watching the parade with Oma and Boompa. |
April--jumping in puddles with Daddy. |
May--playing in the sprinkler with Daddy. |
June--picking strawberries with Mommy and Oma. |
July--4th of July shaving cream painting. |
August--he couldn't decide between riding the bike and pushing the cart so he did both! |
September--riding the train at the farm. |
October--all dressed up for Trunk-or-Treating. |
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