Friday, December 28, 2012

The One

"They" say when you're with "the one" you know.  I have to agree.  I didn't always know that Brad was my "the one," but when I knew it, I knew it.

I can't remember when it was that I first knew he was "the one."  I think it was actually at a time when we weren't together.  We broke up right before our senior year of high school and didn't get back together until the beginning of our sophomore year of college.  It was during that time that we both grew so much.  Watching Brad grow into a man of God was amazing.  He not only took his faith seriously, but started taking responsibility for his future family.  He knew what kind of man he needed to be for his future wife and children and he ran full force into becoming that man.  Seeing that determination in him and that desire to be the man God wanted him to be attracted me to him more than ever.  I knew in my heart that he was being prepared by God for me (much as I was also being prepared for him).  It took some time for us to mend our friendship and eventually decide to enter into a relationship again, but when we did, we both knew we were in it for the long haul.  Neither of us had any doubts about where the relationship would end.  We were just excited to see how the journey would get us there.

And what a ride it has been!  We have laughed together.  We've cried together.  We've been mad at each other and hurt by each other.  We've been disappointed.  We've been excited.  We have grown so much both individually and as a couple.  When we said "I do" five years ago we had no idea what God had planned for us.  It has been better than anything we could have imagined.  Now, we have no idea what God has planned for the next five years.  But there isn't anyone else I would rather be on this journey with than Brad, my "the one."

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