I can hardly believe my baby boy is 8 months old already! I know moms say this all the time, but there's a reason they say it! He is growing up so fast. I feel like with Micah I was always so excited to reach the next milestone and it feels like he just grew up so fast. But I'm trying to enjoy it all more with Judah. Don't get me wrong, I knew to slow down and enjoy it with Micah because I had been warned about how fast it goes, but until you experience it for yourself you can't really know. I often find myself looking back at baby books because I have no idea when Judah should be doing certain things! But he reminds me all the time that he doesn't need a baby book to tell him what to do next!

This month he has become so much more active. He babbles to us all the time and he is really getting around! It's like he has really just come alive and I love it! He's a much more active participant in our family now and needs to be included in whatever we are doing. He and Micah get along great. Judah always wants to be where big brother is and playing with what big brother is playing with. Micah has learned that if he gives Judah something to play with then he'll be satisfied and not bug him. Fortunately, Micah usually gives him something that he is playing with (i.e. a piece of train track or one of his cars) so Judah feels included. Micah cracks Judah up, too. I love it when the two of them just keep laughing at each other. Judah's favorite is whenever Micah "throws" something (this usually means he's actually just dropping it behind his back. He thinks it's the funniest thing in the world!
In general, Judah is a pretty cuddly baby. He loves being held and will just sit there for a decent amount of time, enjoying your company. I'm pretty sure this will change soon, though, as more and more he is on the move. Here are some more highlights of Judah's eighth month:
*He started the month getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth and now he is pulling himself forward. It's not quite crawling, (it's more like the worm!), but he is definitely moving forward!
*We went to Chicago and Frankfort Children's Museums this month and he actually got to play at some of the exhibits. It was so fun watching him play with his own age-appropriate toys. But it definitely makes going to the children's museum by myself a lot harder!
*Judah came with us to cut down our Christmas tree. He did great despite the cold weather, and he really enjoyed watching us decorate it.

*Judah is babbling more and more. He is seriously a little chatterbox, always with something to say (that does not remind me of anyone else I know!). His sounds are sounding more like real words, too. He has starting saying "dadadadada."
*We went to Holiday Magic at Brookfield Zoo. He didn't complain once and was so content being all bundled up and snuggled close to Daddy.
*We celebrated Judah's first Christmas. We did our family Christmas Christmas Eve morning, then went to Uncle Phil and Aunt Karen't house for dinner. Christmas morning we went to Mimi's house, then to Boompa and Oma's house for dinner. We could not have asked Judah to do any better than he did. He slept relatively well and was very content no matter where we were. He really enjoyed playing with the ribbons on all of the presents, and he always has so much fun playing with his cousins. I am really looking forward to next Christmas when he can really play with them and enjoy it even more.
*Judah celebrated his first New Year's Eve at home. We had a family sleep over at our house. The kids played so nicely together. Judah gave Brad quite a bit of trouble going to sleep, but he finally did it and slept very well, despite the fireworks.
Enjoying the Enchanted Railroad. |
*We're giving Judah more and more regular food. We're trying to move him to only table food. He's been eating pureed pears once a day, but we're trying to stop that and he is really loving eating the food that we eat. He's even learned how to drink out of a sippy cup this month.
*We went to the Morton Arboretum to see the Enchanted Railroad. It was so cool! Judah was all bundled up in his new winter coat and he had a blast just watching everyone else watch the train. Then, we walked around the children's garden a little bit and he did so great. He loves being outside, just like his big brother!
Smiling while walking at the Arboretum. |
Rosie loves Judah. She always looks out for him when they're together. |
Enjoying a special New Year's Eve bath. |
Some quiet time with Daddy. |
Picking out our Christmas tree. |
Helping Daddy put on Judah's first ornament. |
All smiley on Christmas Eve. |
The bows are the best part of the present! |
All the cousins on Christmas Eve. |
Fun at Mimi's house. |
Playing with some new Christmas toys. |
Kissing that adorable baby. |
Playing at the Chicago Children's Museum. |
All bundled up and ready to look at the Macy's windows. |
He loves being outside! |
Holiday Magic with the fam. |
Despite being cold, Judah did great at the zoo! |
Enjoying some mashed potatoes and broccoli. |
Brother picture in front of the tree at church. |
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