We have a very special 1-year-old in our house! I think being one is a big reason to celebrate! Not just for Judah, but for us, too. We made it! We survived Judah's first year without any major complications or mess-ups. :)
Judah is such a loving, sunggly baby. He's definitely a mama's boy. He's usually pretty content with letting anyone holding him or doing what everyone else is doing, but if he sees mama that's what he wants! If you put him down to play he loves watching everyone else and he'll entertain himself for a long time, especially now that he get around on his own. Judah loves being outside, we're all so thankful that the weather is finally starting to turn nice! His absolute favorite is playing in the water, though. He loves to just splash and splash. That's why we decided to spend his birthday at an indoor waterpark. It was perfect. He loved sitting in the water and trying to catch the water that shot up from the fountains. He even went down a couple of the waterslides and thought it was so much fun! Here are some of Judah's accomplishments this last month of his first year:
*Judah learned how to clap his hands. He was sitting in the car with his brother and Micah kept saying "Yay, Judah!" and clapping his hands. Judah got so excited every time and he started to clap his hands.
*Judah is really turning into quite the climber. We can't leave him alone anymore because his favorite game is climbing up the stairs--he can get all the way to the top by himself.
*Judah slept over at Mimi's house one night to give Mommy and Daddy a night of uninterrupted sleep. It was heavenly!
*Judah also learned how to play peek-a-boo, another game taught by his big brother. He loves anything his brother does!
*Judah finally cut his third tooth. It's his first tooth on top. The one next to it is going to pop any minute now. Seriously, we keep saying it's "right there" but it's a stubborn one!
*Judah participated in the Great Cloth Diaper Change for the first time. We changed his diaper (into cloth) at the exact same time as thousands of others around the world in order to break a world record.
*We haven't been as diligent with teaching Judah sign language as we were with Micah but he did learn to sign his first sign: "milk." Whenever he wants Mommy he signs "milk" now. And he's very passionate about it, squeezing his little fist open and shut so quickly. It's adorable.
*Judah went to his first softball game to watch his cousin Abbie played. He loved sitting on the blanket and watching. Seriously, anything outside makes this kid happy.
*Judah got his pictures taken outside at The Round Barn. He did such a great job, it's going to be hard deciding which ones we want!
*As I mentioned before, we spent his birthday at a little indoor waterpark. He had so much fun splashing around and going down the slides. He also had his first taste of pizza and loved it! Seriously, he ate two pieces and just gobbled them down. It's safe to say he loves pizza, just like his Mommy. :)
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