There is so much I want to write about because of Christmas, but I just don't know if I'm going to be able to write everything. For now, I will focus on it being Micah's first Christmas.
As usual our Christmas was very busy, but Micah handled it all like a champ! Brad had to work on Christmas Eve so it was me and Little Man for the day. We went to church first and then headed to my aunt's house to see my family. My mom bought Micah a vest to match the Christmas dresses that she bought for my nieces. They all looked so cute in their Christmas outfits!

Once Brad got off work, he met us at my aunt's and we went to his stepsister's house for Christmas with his family. Everyone was there. It was nice to see everyone again and catch up. This was a very late night for Micah and we didn't have anywhere to put him to sleep so Brad ended up holding him most of the night and missed out on most of the present opening. We got home around midnight and put Little Man to bed (because he still hadn't fallen asleep!). Then, Brad and I had to put all the presents under the tree. We sat down to open one present (our Christmas Eve tradition), then both of us were wide awake. We decided to open all of our presents so that we didn't have to feel so rushed in the morning once Micah woke up (more on this in a later post). Since Micah didn't wake up until 8:00 and we had to leave our house by 9:30 it ended up really working out. Luckily, I thought to take a picture as soon as all the presents were out:

Brad and I weren't sure what to do present-wise for Micah. He's so young we knew he wouldn't know whether he got any presents or not, and we knew he would be spoiled by presents from his aunts and uncles and grandparents. Plus, there isnt' really anything that he needs and when he does we'll just buy it. However, we both love giving presents so much that we just didn't feel like we could not get him anything. So, we decided that we would each buy him three things and not tell the other person what we got. Then, we could open each other's present for Micah and there would be at least some level of surprise and excitement. It worked great and Micah got some things that he really could use.

After breakfast, we packed up the car and headed to Brad's mom's house ("Grammie). Micah fell asleep in the car and missed the present opening, but he sure got spoiled by his aunts and uncles! We enjoyed a delicious brunch and had fun just talking with everyone. It was a very relaxing morning and Micah enjoyed some quality time with his Uncle Kevin:

Then, we headed to my parents' (Oma and Boompa) for Christmas with my family. All of my siblings were there as well as my three nieces. Once again, Micah was awake and Brad spent most of the present-opening time walking around with him trying to get him to sleep. And, once again, Micah was really spoiled by his aunts and uncle and Oma and Boompa. After a wonderful dinner, we packed up the car and headed for home.
Today was a little more normal for Micah. He has slept most of the day, I guess all that running around really wore him out. He did really well with all of the Christmas festivities, but we're looking forward to getting back to our regular days. Last night before we went to bed, I asked Brad if he felt like he missed Christmas since he was away with Micah most of the time. He told me absolutely not. Getting to spend quality time with Micah is worth missing out on everything else. He also said that if Micah and I were the only presents he had for Christmas it would still be the best Christmas ever. That's how I feel, too. Micah really is the best gift we ever got and we are both so thankful to have him and to be able to celebrate this special day with him.

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