Last weekend we went to cut down our Christmas tree. We went to a tree farm in Wilmington. It was raining so Micah and I stayed in the car while Brad cut it down. Of course, we did jump out of the car for a quick picture next to our tree!

Before we could go outside, though, Micah had to get all bundled up. I bought this little Bear snowsuit for Heather just before Lilie was born. I knew she wouldn't get much use out of it so I bought a 0-3 and told her when she's done with it, I could use it for my (unborn at the time) child. So, Heather gave it back to me after Micah was born and we used it for the first time last weekend. I don't think we're going to get any other uses out of it, though, because Micah is growing so fast! Here's some pictures of Micah all bundled up with Mommy and Daddy:

After we got back in the car, Micah was all smiles! He loved it when I sang Christmas songs to him.

The next day we had Brad's work Christmas party. It was snowing outside all day and I wasn't sure if we were going to go, but Brad said the roads weren't bad so he picked us up after work and we got to meet some of the people that Daddy works with (Brad is currently working as a pharmacist for Osco. He does not have his own store so he has to travel to several different store in the area, which is why we only met some of the people he works with.). Micah did great at the dinner, no fussing at all (once Daddy got home...after this picture was taken!).

This weekend was a busy one, too. On Saturday I went with my aunt and sister to see It's A Wonderful Life on the big screen. The actress that play ZuZu in the movie was there, too. When I originally said I would go, Brad was not scheduled to work so this was going to be the first time I left Brad and Micah alone. However, Brad's work schedule changed so my sister, Brittany, came over to baby sit instead. Micah did great (so did Mommy!)! Sunday, all of the women in my family went Downtown to see White Christmas at Bank of America Theater. This is my favorite Christmas movie. I can remember watching it several times a day when I was younger. I loved acting it out, especially the scene where they perform "Sisters." I was really looking forward to seeing this play. However, I didn't like it that much. Too much about it was different from the movie, so it was a little disappointing. But I would go back again because it's a great family tradition. After the play, everyone came back to my house for dinner. Oh, I forgot to mention Micah and Daddy spent the whole day together. Brad brought Micah over to Grammy's house and Uncle Kevin was there, too. Brad said he did great, but I was so happy to be back with my Little Man!
This week is looking busy too. We have Christmas with our close friends and I have dinner with my girlfriends from high school. Then, there's Christmas Eve and Christmas, and next week is our anniversary! December is almost over. But we're really looking forward to spending our first Christmas with our Little Man. I'll post picture of our tree all decorated once I get them. And, of course, there will be pictures of Micah's first Christmas!

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