Wednesday, June 1, 2011

7 months

I'm a day late with this post, but that's because we're still recovering from our vacation to the Outer Banks, NC. More about our trip soon. This post is about Micah. And how my baby is 7 months old! I can hardly believe it! I know I say this all the time, but this was such a fun month for Micah. He's really started to be more mobile and he's becoming more and more independent (gone are the days of just sitting on the couch and holding him). He's still a very "lovey" baby, though, and will shower you with kisses and smiles. He's such a flirt, too. Wherever we go, he's always smiling at the people, especially other kids. He loves to watch big kids playing, I can't wait for him to be able to play with them! Here's what's happened in Micah's 7th month:

*He weighs 17lbs. 15 oz. and is 28.5 in. (50th percentile for weight and 92nd percentile for height!)

*He took his first trip to the zoo. Technically it wasn't his fist time to the zoo, but it was the first going to see the animals. He loved it!

*We had our last day of MOPS for the year. Micah and I love going to MOPS and can't wait to start back in the fall.

*We celebrated our first Mother's Day. Brad helped Micah make me a little stone with his handprint and footprint. It is so cute...and I can't believe how much bigger his footprint is than when he was just born!

*Micah had his first non-family baby sitter--Miss Jenna. Brad and I are both attending Bible studies at our church on Tuesday nights. Every other week Brad's mom baby sits and on the off weeks Jenna baby sits. Jenna goes to our church and just graduated high school. She does so great with him and Micah loves playing with her!

*Micah and I joined a playgroup and we attended our first playdate. We just played at one of the mom's houses, but we're really looking forward to doing more activities.

*Micah went on his first vacation to the Outer Banks. We went with my mom and my sister and her family. We all rented a house in Avon for a week. It was so much fun! The ride was 18 hours and Micah did great!

*He had his first time in a pool and loved it! He's definitely part fish!

*Micah went to the ocean for the first time. He could not take his eyes off of the waves!

*First trip on a car ferry. He loved the wind blowing on his face--he squealed the entire time.

*Went for his first bike ride. We rented a bike with a child seat and Daddy and Micah went for a bike ride almost every day we were on vacation. Brad can't wait to get a seat for his new bike so that he can take Micah for bike rides all the time.

*He's eating more solid food including graham crackers, cinnamon french toast, squash, lemon, and yogurt.

*We're working on clapping our hands. He loves when we clap his hands and say "Yay!" but he won't do it himself yet.

*He's starting to pull himself up to sit. He pulls on Mom and Dad's hands all the time and pulls up but he doesn't understand that he can use other objects, too.

*He is so much more mobile now! He's rolling all the time and just so wiggly! He's not crawling yet, but I suspect it will happen this month.

*Those darn teeth are still not in! However, they've been giving him a real hard time the past couple days and his gums are really swollen so maybe this month (I know I say that all the time, so really I'm giving up on predicting when it will fact, I'm convinced he'll graduate college with a gummy smile and no teeth!).

And, of course, I will leave you with a ton of pictures of our little cutie!

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